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A History of Good Samaritan Legislation


• At least 20 years in the making
• Colorado Delegation has always led
• Sens. Campbell, Salazar & Allard
• Rep. & Sen. Udall; Rep. Salazar
• Sens. Gardner & Bennet; Reps. Lamborn& Tipton
• Universal support for the concept
• Event Driven – Gold King
• Yet, only one bill has ever made it to the floor
S. 1848 (Allard/Salazar in 2005‐06)

Animas River Stakeholders Group (ARSG) - Similarities and differences between the Udall Good Samaritan Bill HR1266 and the proposed ARSG Good Samaritan Pilot Project Bill. (2005)

HR 4865 To establish the Minerals Reclamation Foundation (Pearce and Udall - 2007)

S. 1848 Cleanup of Inactive and Abandoned Mines Act - (Sec. 2) Includes among purposes of this Act to: (1) encourage the partial or complete remediation of inactive or abandoned mine sites for the public good by Good Samaritans; (2) provide appropriate protections for such Good Samaritans under applicable environmental laws; (3) ensure such remediation creates actual and significant environmental benefits; and (4) create an efficient permit process for remediation projects. More

H.R. 4323 (114th): Abandoned Mine Reclamation Safety Act (2016)

S.222, A bill to amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to clarify that uncertified States and Indian tribes have the authority to use certain payments for certain noncoal reclamation projects and acid mine remediation programs. (2013-2014)

S. Rept. 113-20 - ABANDONED MINE RECLAMATION - Accompanies S.222

S. 2750 (110th): Abandoned Mine Reclamation Act of 2008

H.R.2937 - Community Reclamation Partnerships Act (2017-2018) - amends SMCRA for Coal lands

H.R.3843 - Locatable Minerals Claim Location and Maintenance Fees Act of 2015 - 114th Congress (2015-2016)

Good Samaritan Cleanup - Gardner/Bennet Senate Bill (no number) (2017/2018)



Sts John Mine
Sts John Before
Sts John After

A Dictionary of Terms